Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I'm addicted to grocery shopping.  Especially produce and other perishables.  Seriously, it's the truth.  I'm admitting it and owning it.  Whew!  I feel a little better now that this monkey is off my back.  OK, not really.

This wouldn't be such a bad addiction if I actually ate all the food I bought on one of my binges, but I don't and that's the problem.  I'm a waster.  I buy too much and never get around to eating it so it goes bad and I end up throwing it way.  Debbie Meyer and her damn Green Bags!  She lies!!!!  I've still managed to grow mold on an avocado.  I waste food and money and this is particularly annoying to me on so many levels.  Wasting either thing is hardly en vogue these days.  And you know me, I'm always about being on the cutting edge of hip.

My friend Joel is going to Haiti this Summer to volunteer.  He'll be doing various things including delivering and preparing food for people who live in awful conditions. He posted some details about his trip the other day and this really broke my heart:
There are people in Haiti who sell small biscuits that are made from dirt and a little bit of oil.  They are mixed together and then dried in the sun.  Mothers buy them for their children so that they at least have something in their bellies at night and can then at least get some rest.  The fact that mothers have to buy dirt cakes to feed their children in communities 70 miles from Florida is appalling.
So here I was tonight, throwing away way too much food and feeling like a complete shit for being such a waster.  I totaled the monetary value of what I tossed and felt like tossing my cookies I was so ashamed.  I vow tonight to stop this ridiculous practice and only buy what I can eat and eat what I buy.  And, more importantly, the donate the monetary value of what I threw away tonight to my friend Joel for his trip.  It's one small step towards a better life for everyone.

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